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Costs and Aid

College Costs

We know that paying for college is a big deal. We’re here to help! Here you’ll find what you need to know about tuition, fees, housing and meal costs, as well as great resources for meeting those expenses through scholarships and financial aid.

Financial Aid

No matter which college you choose to apply to, there are steps you can take to ensure that you receive assistance in paying for your education.

We’ve outlined the process for you, both with facts you need to know about financial aid at any college and with details about the different forms of aid that are available at SUNY Morrisville.

  1. To receive federal loans or grant money, you’ll have to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form and renew it every year.

  2. If you’re a New York State resident, you can complete a TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) application at Higher Education Services Corporation to determine whether you are eligible to receive New York State grant money.

  3. In addition, a wide variety of scholarships and awards and other forms of assistance are available at SUNY Morrisville. For more information, please go to the Financial Aid office to learn all about them.

SUNY Smart Track. No matter your financial situation, you’ll benefit from the SUNY Smart Track Financial Literacy website. Click on the Smart Track link and register to learn how to budget your money, understand credit before you use it, and how to start saving money for an emergency fund.

Housing Costs & Rates

Residence hall life is an integral part of your college experience. You’ll have several living options to choose from at SUNY Morrisville.

On-campus residency also includes a dormitory services fee of $425 per semester — this includes laundry, cable and wifi. Please note that all residents are required to have a meal plan.

For more information regarding housing policies and to apply for housing, visit Residence Life.

Meal Plans

You can choose from several meal plans at SUNY Morrisville. If you live on campus, you’ll be required to purchase a meal plan that can be used at all campus dining facilities.

 Your meal plan purchase includes a number of meals per week, up to 14, and a Dining Points amount, which is a declining-balance account used for additional food purchases at campus dining locations and at the Copper  Turret Restaurant.  Meal plans and Dining Points are non-taxable, non-refundable, and can be used only while classes are in session.

The minimum meal plan requirement for Commons residents is the Commons Combo.

Mustang Money is a declining-balance debit account that is separate from meal plans. You can use it to buy food at all dining locations as well as items at campus stores, vending machines, and participating downtown merchants. Mustang Money purchases are taxable, but your balance is refundable at the end of the academic year.


Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships are generated from a variety of sources including from alumni, friends of the college, local foundations, and industry partners. 

By filling out one application at, students will be considered for all Foundation scholarships unless a supplemental application is specifically required.

Scholarships are separate from financial aid programs, like TAP and work-study, which a student must apply for separately on an annual basis. Scholarship applications are due each year on March 1 and awards are announced by April 1. If awarded a scholarship from SUNY Morrisville, it will automatically be applied to the student’s account. Scholarships are awarded based on a multitude of factors, including academic excellence, major/study, geography, and personal achievements.  Because scholarships are privately funded, student recipients are required to write a note of thanks to their individual donor. 

Student Refunds

In cases where a student’s bill is paid entirely, and there is a remaining credit on the student’s account, a refund is issued and mailed home to the address of record.  SUNY Morrisville does offer students the option to set up direct deposit to have these refunds issued directly to their bank accounts.

 To sign up for direct deposit:

  • Sign into Web for Students

  • Go to Student Information & Financial Aid.

  • View the student’s account.

At the bottom of the student’s account page, click the blue button for “E-Billing & Payments”, this will redirect your to our billing and payment system.

Select “Manage refunds” and follow the prompts.

 Direct deposit of refunds will hit student’s bank accounts within 2-3 business days from the date the refund was processed